Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to Your Mental Performance Journey

    2. Virtual Performance Center Rules

    1. L1 Module One Instructions and Requirements

    2. DrMorales' Introduction to the PMG Program

    3. Module One Question 1: What was your biggest takeaway from this video lesson? How can you implement what you learned into your areas of performance?

    4. L1 Module One Question 2: Which of these areas of performance is your strongest? Why? Which of them is the one you need to work on the most? Why?

    5. Ask YOUR Mental Game Questions Here!!!!

    6. DrM's Badge Challenge - Level 1 Module 1 - Commitment to the Program

    1. L1 Module Two Video: DrM Introduces Motivation

    2. L1 Module Two Task # 1: What was your biggest takeaway from the video? How can it help you in your areas of performance?

    3. L1 Module Two Task # 2: Evaluate the Why you wrote down in your success map. How can you use your why to provide you motivation every day?

    4. Ask YOUR Mental Game Questions Here

    5. DrM's Badge Challenge for Module # 2: Motivation and Your Why

    1. L1 Module Three Instructions and Requirements

    2. L1 Module Three Assignment: Sports Confidence Self-Assessment

    3. L1 Module Three Video Lesson: DrM Introduces Confidence

    4. L1 Module Three Question One - What did you learn from completing the confidence self-assessment?

    5. L1 Module Three Question Two: Confidence. What was your biggest takeaway from the video lesson?

    6. Ask YOUR Mental Game Questions Here

    7. DrM's Badge Challenge for Module 3 - BELIEVE IN YOURSELF

    1. 9th Grade Cohort Term One Quiz

    1. L1 M4 Task # 1 - Video Lesson: DrM Introduces Concentration

    2. L1 M4 Task # 2 - Lessons Learned

    3. L1 M4 Task # 3 - DrM Mental Toughness Badge Challenge

    4. L1 M4 Task # 4 - Ask Your Question

About this course

  • $150.00
  • 34 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content